Tooth Extraction Mt. Pleasant MI

If you have one or more teeth that are severely decayed, they may need to be removed. Fortunately, this is a common general dental service and can be completed in a timely manner. Dr. Raymond Ribitch will work with you to determine if a tooth extraction is right for you. Dr. Ribitch is a caring and professional dentist in Mount Pleasant, MI that works with patients to find solutions to a variety of dental problems.

In the event that a root canal is not enough to fix tooth decay, tooth extractions are an important option. Tooth extractions can also be used for a damaged tooth, an impacted wisdom tooth, or overcrowding. This procedure can prevent future problems such as increased bone loss or tooth decay.

Tooth extraction in mount pleasant

Do You Need a Tooth Extraction?

Common reasons for tooth extraction include:

  • Severe tooth decay
  • Damage due to accident or trauma
  • Gum disease
  • No space for teeth
  • Improved tooth alignment
  • Extra teeth

Contact Mid Michigan Smiles if you feel frequent tooth pain that is attributed to overcrowded or infected teeth. We will be happy to help you.

Removing Wisdom Teeth

One of the most frequent tooth extractions is a wisdom teeth procedure. Also known as third molars, wisdom teeth are typically removed while they are still growing in young adults. Wisdom teeth may need to be removed if they cause issues such as damage to your other teeth, tooth pain, bite problems, swelling, or infections.

As the teeth grow, they can cause significant pain when they break the surface of the gum. They can also shift other teeth to make room. Some people may never have their wisdom teeth erupt because there is no room in the mouth to accommodate them.
If your wisdom teeth are coming in, contact Dr. Ribitch. He will take x-rays to see where the third molars are coming in and whether or not they require immediate extraction. It is important to keep an eye on wisdom teeth as they can cause tooth alignment issues very quickly.

Tooth Extractions: What to Expect

Dr. Ribitch will take an x-ray to determine if your tooth needs to be removed or if another treatment is needed. During the procedure, an anesthetic is used to numb the area for the patient’s comfort. The tooth will be removed, and the socket will be cleaned and sutured to prevent further infection. A dental implant, dental bridge, or dentures may be recommended depending on the number of teeth that are extracted or already missing. Dr. Ribitch will work with an oral surgeon if these steps are taken.

Simple Vs. Complex Tooth Extractions

There are two different types of tooth extraction: simple and complex. Simple extractions are easy procedures done in the office with minimal recovery time. The teeth are clearly visible in your mouth above the gums, and the crown hasn’t broken off. The dentist severs the tissue connecting the tooth to the bone, gently rocking it out of the socket. You’ll experience some soreness and will need to stick to a soft diet for a few days, but there’s minimal disruption to your daily life.

Complex tooth extractions are surgical. They’re for teeth that are still under the skin and gums or for tooth roots when the crown has already broken off. A small incision is made to access the tooth below the surface. It may be removed all at once or will be broken into pieces so that all of it comes out. You’ll have a more diligent aftercare process after this surgical procedure. We’ll give you detailed instructions to follow to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Tooth Extraction FAQs

Tooth extraction is a common procedure we perform to secure your oral health. Read the answers to these frequently asked questions to learn more.

What shouldn’t I do before a tooth extraction?

Don’t use tobacco for at least 24 hours before extraction. Don’t drink alcohol or take aspirin, either. All of these can impact bleeding and your healing process. We also recommend you don’t eat an overly heavy meal before the procedure.

How long does it take to heal after a tooth extraction?

The area takes 1-2 weeks to fully heal after a tooth is extracted. It’s important not to touch or feel around the area, as this can cause infection and mess with the healing process.

How long do I have to keep gauze in after a tooth extraction?

Keep the gauze on the extraction site with pressure (via biting down) for at least 30-45 minutes after the procedure. After this time passes, check the site and see if it’s still bleeding. If so, replace the old gauze with a new piece. Firm pressure for another hour should ensure that it stops bleeding. If bleeding continues or gets worse, let us know immediately.

When can I drink water after a tooth extraction?

Ensure that the site has stopped bleeding before you drink water. You don’t want to drink anything while you still have the gauze in your mouth. When you’re able to drink, be sure you don’t swish the water around in your mouth or drink through a straw, as this can compromise the forming of a blood clot.

When can I eat after a tooth extraction?

For the first 24-48 hours after the tooth extraction, stick to soft foods like applesauce or mashed potatoes. You can then progress to more firm foods like pasta or oatmeal. If you can do this without pain, full foods like chicken can be consumed.

What should I avoid after a tooth extraction?

Until it’s fully healed, you should avoid drinking from a straw. This can dislodge the blood clot that forms when it’s healing. Smoking can also break down the blood clot, leading to problems like dry socket. Hot liquids can cause swelling around the site, and alcohol can make the healing process take longer.


Schedule an Appointment

If you have a decayed tooth or teeth that need an extraction, schedule an appointment with Dr. Ribitch at 989.200.3896 today. You can also request a consultation online. Dr. Ribitch and his team are dedicated to providing patients comfortable care in their Mount Pleasant, MI office. If you have any questions about tooth extractions or other dental procedures we offer, please call us.